Most people experience a lot of changes with drug use. These changes affect their bodies in different ways, including:
Causing changes in their appetite and weight loss
Weakening their immune system
Triggering heart, lung, and liver conditions
Causing seizures, stroke, and brain damage
Triggering problems with memory, attention, and decision making
Different Drugs Linked to Memory Loss
There are specific drugs that have been associated with memory loss. These include the likes of marijuana, opioids, cocaine, and ecstasy. They all work in different ways.
Weed/ Cannabis/ Marijuana
This is a collection of green. Gray dried leaves from a cannabis plant. They come in different plant strains and hence will come with varying effects. However, most of it has caused permanent damage because of being used recreationally. The memory loss link is associated with a plant (THC) component, also known as tetrahydrocannabinol.
This is the psychoactive component, a chemical responsible for the high user experience. THC attaches itself to the different receptors of the brain, including the Amygdala regions, cerebral cortex, and Hippocampus. These receptors affect consciousness, fear, and memory/ learning. Therefore, abusing weed often leads to reduced cognitive functions and memory loss.
GHB - Liquid X
This is an odorless, salty/ bitter, and colorless depressant used for the nervous system. Most people use it as a date rape drug or for recreational purposes. Unfortunately, due to its effects on unconsciousness, memory loss, and extreme sedation, most users use it to facilitate sexual assault in illegal clubs. When abused, GBH leads to rain verbal working memory, long-term memory, and lower IQ.
MDMA/ Ecstasy/ Molly
This recreational drug is known as 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine, ecstasy, or molly. It is often used in places of recreation and entertainment. Its chemical composition resembles that of hallucinogens and stimulants. Therefore users are trapped in a different reality since the drug causes:
Distorted perception of hearing, Smell, Sight, Taste, Touch, and Time
Increased alertness and energy
Long-term use, up to two years, will lead to memory loss and slow processing, as revealed by research. This has been pinned to the fact that the drug affects the Hippocampus in the brain.
PCP/ Angel Dust
This mind-altering drug is known as phenyl cyclohexyl piperidine, phencyclidine, or angel dust. It is known for distorting sound perception, aggression, hallucination, and delusions. Usually, it is smoked, snorted, taken orally, and injected, depending on the user's preference. PCP leads to memory loss and speech/learning difficulties with long-term use.
Cocaine/ Crack/ Coke
Cocaine is nervous system stimulant increases brain activity, alertness, and energy. It also inhibits one's brain's capacity to absorb dopamine which is responsible for confidence, euphoria, and well-being. Recent studies have also linked it to memory loss, especially with the use of over one year. It is a highly habit-forming drug. Fortunately, the memory loss effects caused by it can be reversed.
Ketamine/ Special K
This is an aesthetic veterinary drug. Unfortunately, many use it illicitly since it can act on brain chemicals leading to hallucinations and auditory and visual distortions. It also causes a detachment from reality. In addition, the white substance is known to inhibit the hippocampus and trigger memory loss. Medically, only small doses are used correctly and do not cause similar negative effects.
Magic Mushroom/ Psilocybin
This is a natural psychedelic drug that occurs as fungi. It is linked to the 5-HT2A receptor activities and causes hallucinogenic episodes. In addition, it is known to impair users' memory when used over time.
Most of the people engaging in drug use that causes memory loss does so because for various reasons, including:
Drug-induced memory loss
Fortunately, there are different ways to help such individuals. It starts with seeking the right assistance from trained individuals in equipped facilities.
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